We would like to congratulate the winner of the 2021 EMC Leadership and Integrity Award! 

Bill Kinneary accepting the award on behalf of Georgia Natural Gas

The nine nominees for the annual EMC Leadership and Integrity Award were companies who made remarkable contributions to their local communities and to the country.  They have all shown a commitment to enriching the lives of others, helping the underprivileged, the environment. They have all generously contributed to their communities. However, our winner, Georgia Natural Gas, has exceeded all our expectations and best helped build a positive reputation for the Retail Energy Industry.

For nearly twenty years, Georgia Natural Gas has focused community outreach efforts through four focus areas: Children and EducationSeniorsEnergy Assistance, and the Environment/ Sustainability. Georgia Natural Gas and its employees are recognized nationally and locally for their contributions to the community through time, talent, and treasure.

Typically, around 40- 50 major contributions and sponsorships are made throughout the year to nonprofit organizations where the company operates.

In response to the pandemic, the company also invested more and was more intentional about supporting organizations that provide relief to the surrounding communities. Upwards of 50 major contributions and sponsorships are made throughout the year to nonprofit organizations where the company operates.  Contributions are made primarily in Georgia; but also, in locations where the company and its employees live, work, and operate.

In February of 2020, the company made a $200,000 contribution to the Heating Energy Assistance Team (HEAT). That contribution assisted over 600 households – typically the disabled, veterans, and single-parent headed households. In addition, the company makes annual contributions to Meals on Wheels which supplies meals to over 500 seniors. Through major contributions to the United Way, the company’s annual contributions are budgeted between $500,000 to $1Million.

Some highlights from Georgia Natural Gas employees volunteering this past year are:

  • The company developed a canathon with Hosea Feed the Hungry which resulted in two large truckloads of food being collected in October.
  • Georgia Natural Gas continued to volunteer during Covid-19 virtually –through Partners in Change, employees were able to mentor three young adults.
  • Through the Posse Foundation, about 14 employees volunteered with twenty college-bound young people.
  • With the National park Conservancy, 14 employees cleaned the local Chattahoochee River for five miles by canoe.
  • The company also organized an Earth Day Recycling Project that resulted in about 10,000 lbs of unwanted electronic materials being recycled instead of collecting in a landfill. Additional photos and press releases are available.