Energy Marketing Conferences

EMC’s Second Event – Another Sold-Out Conference Expected

“The incredibly strong interest in the first Energy Marketing Conference confirms our assumption that the competitive energy industry participants are interested in learning more about growing their businesses” said Larry Leikin, VP Sales at TrustedTPV and founding board member of the Energy Marketing Conference.   “It’s a challenging market out there and providers are looking for any advantage they can find.  Energy marketers are seeking new products to help acquire customers, increase margins earn greater profits and expand into new territories”

The Energy Marketing Conference closed registration for its inaugural event almost 6 weeks before the conference started.  “We had 380 registered attendees” said Jack Doueck, president of Advanced Energy Capital and the Energy Marketing Conferences other founding board member.   “The conference had 30 exhibitors and 10 sponsors representing some of the best service providers in the industry.  All indications are that the Renewable Energy Conference for Retailers will surpass the success of the inaugural event.”

“Besides networking, education is a key part of the Energy Marketing Conference,” said Paul Ring, Founder of and an Energy Marketing Conference board member. “Retail suppliers are increasingly viewing renewable energy as a differentiator in a crowded marketplace. Renewable energy also allows retail suppliers to unlock additional margin by bringing value to the customer beyond just commodity supply.”

To learn more about the Energy Marketing Conference or to register, please visit   Registration is 50% off, but only until April 30th.

About The Energy Marketing ConferenceThe mission of Energy Marketing Conferences LLC is to provide the competitive energy industry with exciting conferences in premium locations – at very affordable prices.  The goal of the conferences is to bring together hundreds of energy companies, utilities, marketers, vendors and suppliers in the competitive energy industry to network and learn more about our industry.

Contact: Tim Tsang or Jack Doueck
Phone: (347) 799 1685 Ext 208 (Tim) or Ext 207 (Jack)
Email: [email protected]

